I is for Inauguration

9:58 AM Posted In Edit This 2 Comments »
Well, well, well, I can't believe it, but it's time for a new president!

I am not going to spend my time bashing GWB because I am sure you could find about 1,000,000 other blogs that are doing that at this time.

I am however excited to ring in the new year with a new president!

I have now, officially voted in two presidential elections and I tell ya, I just get so stinkin excited.

I used to work for our county here and elections were always a ton of fun...some people hated them but I loved em! We would be up until well after midnight sorting out ballot boxes and being all kinds of official. . .

Anyway, I always love elections, I don't think I have ever missed an voting in my county, even while I was away at college. . . ahh, the benefits of having an INCREDIBLY political grandmother. . .

This election is different for me now though because of my current employment. I teach at a predominately black school (yes, we call them black because that's what they call themselves, many of them didn't come from Africa, and that's what they told me to call them!) and we as a school are amazed at the progress our country has made in the past 100 years. I am looking forward to celebrating the inauguration, not only for me, but with my students as well. We are looking forward to a new era and even more progress.

So as jenny would say. . . Obamanos!!!


amyd76 said...

First of all- shame on you for posting during an incredibly important staff meeting. Second- have you logged onto CNN yet???
Third- one of your blog posts (the yellow one)is very hard to read. My eyes are old. Haha! I added you to my links, so you may be getting 1 or 2 more readers! Try to contain your excitement.

Jenny said...

I am sooo excited! How fun that you get to celebrate with your students!

Thanks for the link!

I love your alphabet posts!