A is for Almost...

10:13 PM Edit This 1 Comment »
Well, I have decided to join my sister's 26 days 26 letters quest and since today is the first...I must start with the letter A...Hopefully this will be a better plan for me and hopefully I can FORCE myself to sit down and write every evening instead of falling asleep at 10!!!! So here it goes. . . 

A is for almost;
When I got home from my evening activities today, I decided to sit down and work on my certification papers...These are papers that link me to my teaching profession that have been put on the back burner since I graduated in May. It is not that I do not want to teach, or that I do not love teaching...It has just been such a headache going through my program in college that I just wanted a little break! I have a great job at the county courthouse (doesn't pay that great though...) but I LOVE the ladies I work with and I LOVE the environment! I am slowly getting back into the idea of teaching, another profession that I love, it has just taken me a little time to get motivated...So, hopefully I will send these papers out soon and begin applying for teaching jobs in the area. So, today, A is for Almost, as in, almost a teacher...


Mary Ann said...

Good job on your A. I think it may be hard to keep up with posting everyday, but I figure it won't hurt to take this into September if needed. Looking forward to B.