
3:23 PM Posted In , , , Edit This 2 Comments »
Um. I can't stop thinking about what is growing in my belly.

Actually, I am currently obsessed with finding out what is inside.

Thing is, I won't have another ultrasound (the BIG ultrasound) until I am 20 weeks pregnant. That is exactly six weeks away. Now, I know that doesn't sound like a big deal, but I am dying inside knowing that this munchkin's little genitalia is fully formed and I don't know what it is. My fire was only fueled by the fact that Blair posted this gem today...

So, in true "copy cat" form, I decided to try the methods listed on her blog...

Labor of Love: Girl

Just Mommies: Girl

Bump.com: Girl

Babyman: Girl

Sexratio: 55% Boy, 45% Girl

Tvoy Baby: Girl

And of course there are innumerable old wives tales that I could look at to determine, but I'm not really far enough into this to decide if I am carrying low or high and I am craving everything; sweets, sours, meats, cheeses, blah blah blah...so I can't find a pattern there either. Maybe I will try the wedding ring test sometime...

The thing is, I could technically find out the baby's sex tomorrow. There is this place in town that specializes in determining the sex of your baby. You lay back in a lazy boy and the ultrasound tech goes to town finding the goods. It is only open on Fridays and you have to call and schedule an appointment through the lady's cell phone. She is an ultrasound tech that has Fridays off so she bought an ultrasound machine and determines the sex for $50, a fair trade in my opinion.

The only thing stopping me; well, the only two things stopping me are the fact that I know and really like the ultrasound tech @ my obgyn's office. She is a family friend and I pictured her telling me what my baby would be. Secondly, even though I am pretty sure this wouldn't happen, I am nervous that they may tell me the wrong thing. What if they tell me girl and I invest in tons money in girly things, and then find out from my ultrasound with my obgyn that it is a boy!?!?! Or vice-versa!?!? My sister's sister-in-law reeeeeeally wants me to go find out, and I kinda want to too...oooooh, decisions, decisions!!!

My gut tells me that it's a girl, I have had girl dreams and as you can see, most of the tests online point to "girl"...which reeeeeally leads me to believe it is a boy because I am thinking I am just getting my hopes up for a girl and should be more realistic when I see that penis on the screen!!!

Don't get me wrong, we would love a boy oh so much; I love my nephews and I even like our boy name more than any girl name we have ever come up with. But a girl would be so much fun, unless she turns out like me in middle school, then, not so much-- but that is a different post entirely!

Ok, I am off to go home and get some rest before a date with hubs! I promise I'll post a belly pic later tonight...maybe after my belly is full of dinner and sticking out extra far!!!

2nd Tri??

9:41 PM Posted In , , Edit This 2 Comments »
Well, I still don't really know where I am in this whole pregnancy game, but I am thinking that I'm in the second trimester now...I am 13 weeks and 5 days (tomorrow) pregnant and I believe that means I am technically in the second tri, but who knows. . .

I am still loving being pregnant, even though I KNOW I am gaining weight too quickly, but I am really beginning to enjoy being pregnant. I spent so much time in the beginning worrying about what could possibly go wrong and now I think I am finally getting comfortable with the idea that I am only in control of what I can control; what I eat, if I exercise, etc...

My mom got me a couple pacifiers, some undershirts, and a bib for the baby for Easter but I just bought the first couple things for our baby yesterday...A few weeks back Hubs bought our stroller and car seat when he was out of town because we didn't have it in our town, but I hadn't bought anything for the munchkin...Well, yesterday I bought two pajama/lounge wear type outfits. They both have birds on them and very cute little hats. One is very definitely "girl" and the other one could be for a boy or a girl. I understand if we have a boy he will not be able to wear the pink one, but it was very inexpensive and I will find somebody to use it if I am not having a girl...but I still have a slight "gut" feeling that it may just be a girl, but who knows...I'd be totally psyched either way!!

And on the belly front, it definitely is getting bigger by the day and I can no longer "suck in" my belly anymore and my tummy is getting harder, it's strange, but I am loving it!!! And I promise, later this week I will post a belly pic, even though it's not so pretty in pictures!!!

Well Well Well...

11:41 AM Posted In , Edit This 2 Comments »
Here I sit, 12 weeks and 6 days pregnant, watching my students watch a movie for indoor recess. Something happened this morning, something I couldn't really believe until one of my students pointed it out to me.

See, I teach an all girls class in an inner-city area...so they are pretty wise to the ways of the pregnant woman. When I finally "announced" my pregnancy to them, I got some mixed reviews;
"I thought you just gettin pudgy..."
"I can't believe you did what it takes to get pregnant"
"you could have just rolled over in the bed and said not tonight"
But all of them were very happy. I actually have some students who have relatives that I will share due dates with...I have, however, not become exempt from their pregnancy stories, scrutiny, and "what if" scenarios.

Today, when I was teaching a lesson on the interactive whiteboard (computer plugged into a digital projector) one of my girls raised her hand, I thought to answer a question, and when I called on her, she said, "You know what? Your belly is sticking out further than your boobs!" I pretended to cry and they pretended to console me, but it was a funny observation. Ever since I have had boobs, my belly has been much flatter than my boobies, so this is a welcome little change...remind me in 5 months about the day I enjoyed getting a baby bump, because I am sure it is going to be out of control one day soon!!!

Fast Little Baby...

2:24 AM Posted In , Edit This 1 Comment »
No news from the appt. yet, but I did get to hear the baby's heartbeat with the Doppler again...

179 beats per minute....that little whooshing is seriously my new favorite sound. . .

12 Weeks...

11:39 AM Posted In , Edit This 3 Comments »
I thought I would feel miraculously better once I hit the 12 week marker, but to tell you the truth, I can't really tell a difference. I still don't "feel" pregnant, except for the excessive hunger and sleepiness and now the protruding gut I am sporting...but other than that, it has been such "smooth sailing" I have no idea what to expect next.
Going to the Ob today for my 12 week check up, but I think its just a pap for cultures and stuff so I won't be able to see the baby...other than that, I can't wait for the weekend!!!

Out of the 200's....

11:36 AM Posted In Edit This 2 Comments »
Well, I don't reeeeeally know how it happened, but I checked my other blog (just something where I write to the future little munchkin) and I realized that I am out of the 200's....then, I opened my google reader and realized that Danse shared the same revelation today! I have officially 199 days left to go in a full term pregnancy! We have the same due date.. weird right? I read her before I was even pregnant...hmmm...cosmic? I think so.

Anyway, I have recently decided that I just have to "let go". Actually, at the urging from some of the women in my Bible study, "let go and let God". It hasn't been easy, but I am trying and doing better. I used to worry about every strange feeling or any terrible thing I heard that could happen to our baby, but I am learning to let go. I am realizing that there really is nothing I can control any more. As long as I keep my end of the deal, eating right, sleeping, exercising, etc...it is totally out of my hands what happens to this sweet little baby. I am just trying my hardest to do everything "right" and we will just see what happens in October. . .