
8:14 AM Posted In , , Edit This 0 Comments »
As I have mentioned before, one thing I am really looking forward to is being able to breastfeed Hadleigh. Throughout the first trimester, everyone I would meet would ask me what books I am reading in order to prepare for our tiny baby. I would always casually respond, "Hubs and I do everything by the seat of our pants, we probably aren't going to start reading parenting books now!!!" But recently I have become obsessed with knowledge about birth and breastfeeding. I began reading the book, "Bestfeeding" after borrowing it from our library and it has only made my passion to nurse that much stronger. I must admit, however, that I do not have unrealistic expectations about breastfeeding. I watched my sister feed my nephew for what seemed non-stop until he was weaned. I am certainly scared that I will give up and say it's too hard, opting for formula, but I honestly believe with a strong support system I will be able to endure the physical and emotional demands of breastfeeding. In order to strengthen this support system, I am going to attend my first La Leche League meeting today. I know I have about four months left in this pregnancy, but this will be the only meeting I am able to attend until the month before sweet baby is born.

I have also become obsessed with learning more about having a natural childbirth. Now this is where I think I am losing my mind. After watching my sister labor for hours on end and the pain that she was in WITH an epidural, I begin to think I am crazy to even consider going natural an option-- I just want to see what is out there and learn about whatever is best for the baby...but I'm sure I'll be posting more on this later...Now, off to shower and off to my meeting!!

FINALLY, a belly pic.

10:49 PM Posted In , , Edit This 2 Comments »
I know I have said I would post a pic of my belly for some time now...actually, I think I was planning on posting when I was 14 weeks pregnant...and here I am, 20 weeks and 3 days pregnant. Crazy how time flies...

These are a couple pics from a lil while ago; I think I was almost 16 weeks in the first pic and I thought I was big then...sheesh.

This pic is when I was almost 17 weeks pregnant...I think there was a big jump from 17-20 weeks!
Here I am tonight...20 weeks and 3 days pregnant. I can't believe it has flown by so quickly...I also can't believe I am going to be approximately double this size. And here is a pic where hubs had to help me up off the ground after it was taken because it's clearly getting too hard to move from the ground to standing on my own...
:::le sigh:::
I am still feeling her move all over the place and I absolutely love it, I am pretty sure there isn't a better pregnancy feeling than movement! And, if I haven't mentioned it before, her name is Hadleigh Ann and we can't wait to meet her!