In Case You Were Wondering...
9:22 PM Posted In nursery , preeclampsia Edit This 1 Comment »
1. I am still alive and well.
2. Hadleigh is still doing great.
3. I didn't mean to take a blogging hiatus.
4. I finished the school year, went to the beach, and am already back at work again.
Now that that clears up a few things, onto the more important stuff...
We have gotten Haddie's room pretty much in order, we cleaned, painted, put up new baseboards, and assembled her crib. Now we just have to make the bedding, wait on the *unfinished* dresser that we have to finish, figure out if we want a rocker/glider in her room, and then wait for her arrival.
In terms of me, I have probably gained way too much weight, started feeling uncomfortable when I sleep and when I am on my feet, and have begun showing signs of preeclampsia. I am waiting to get my test results back from the blood work at the end of the week and hoping for the best, but I will just have to wait and see. I have my blood glucose test tomorrow morning so I am also hoping for good news on that front. So, if you have a second and think about it, I would appreciate your prayers on the preeclampsia thing, I don't think I would be diagnosed without further testing, but I am really hoping to hear good news tomorrow. That is all for now...anything I can pray about for you?
Good to hear your voice again! Glad you are doing well and hope the test results are good. Pray for this ridiculously hot weather in Seattle to cool down, I am melting! ;-)
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