
3:42 PM Posted In , Edit This 4 Comments »

I guess the spaghetti sauce says it best...

"It's in there"
Because apparently, it is in there...

Yes my faithful readers, that is the bun that is cooking in my oven. Hubs and I are over the moon excited, but I have been very cautiously optimistic. I didn't want to post anything about the baby until after my first ultrasound, then I thought I would wait until the first trimester was over, then I pretty much realized that you are never really out of the clear so I should just get over it and enjoy what I have. 

So, this is my munchkin at 9 weeks exactly...I am now, uuummm...9 weeks and 4 days I believe...anyway, much more to come later, but what an amazing sound that tiny little heart made. That tiny little fast heart @ 188 bpm!!! Ok, off to napping now. I'll post more at a later date...


**Liz** said...


Sarah Alway said...

Oh my gosh, congratulations, how exciting!

amyd76 said...

"Mum" is no longer the word!
"Mom" is the word now! Word.

Jessica said...

Better not be a girl :-)