A is for Addiction...

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The first step in addiction is realizing that you have a problem.
My name is Amy, and I am an addict.
Caffeine is my drug of choice.
I realize that I have a problem and I am trying to resolve this problem.
I noticed the other day that I consume WAY too much caffeine for a young lady my size! I have decided to quit drinking 3 diet mountain dews a day…Not an easy task considering my first one would almost be finished by the time I got to school. So, I am trying something new. I have completely cut out all the caffeine in my life, except for the tiny m&m’s I sneak when I get home from work. The REAL reason this all started was because Wal-Mart was COMPLETELY out of Diet Mt. Dew when it was 2/$5.00, so this experiment was started out of desperation, not really choice. Now I am just seeing if I can avoid drinking the rest of the day. When someone asked me why I looked so tired I told her I quit drinking caffeine. Her immediate response; “oh, are you pregnant?” she had a slight look of delight thinking about the prospect, however I had to pick my jaw up off the floor to tell her no. Then she wanted to know if we were “trying”…then I told her that we were not and I had to assure her that we were not going to “try” as they say until a while later…I have
two nephews that keep me busy enough to lose my mind.
So, I can’t really quit the sauce just yet…but I am getting closer and closer, at least I am down to one caffeinated drink a day. We will see what tomorrow brings. . .


Anonymous said...

You can do it! I cut out caffeine and it's fantastic. Some recommendations: In the morning, drink a big glass of water alone with a One A Day: All Day Energy multivitamin along with a fishoil capsule. These things will help jumpstart your metabolism naturally! I beeeelieve in yooou!