B is for Bye Bye Belly and Bottom...

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Before: Here I am as a fat cow...I think Tyler looks particularly skinny compared to my face and upper arms that are taking up all of the space in this picture.

Well folks, it's true...I have officially lost some of my belly and bottom...don't worry, it's nothing drastic, but it is 15 lbs, 15.5 to be exact; and on a short person's frame, that's kind of a big deal. Way back in October, I began my weight loss voyage. My loyal readers can also remember my
New Year's Resolution to battle the bulge...I have been on, what some may call, a weight loss crusade. I have fluctuated throughout the 4 months on this program, but overall I am excited to see my results; smaller pants sizes, less fat rolls, cheek bones...Some may think that 15.5 lbs is not a lot of weight to lose in 4 months, I may agree to an extent, but it has been hard. I have had to deal with Thanksgiving, Christmas, 5 birthdays, New Year's, the SuperBowl...you name it, I ate during it. I have been trying to follow my weight watcher plan, but it is necessary to cheat sometimes. My sister and I have been using the Wendy method...I think I spelled it right...which is an unsanctioned version of the points system. We basically eat whatever, and I mean WHATEVER we want on Saturdays. We blow our points out of the water and then we "diet" throughout the rest of the week. I placed " " around diet, because I do not feel that WW is actually a diet. I tried the low/no carb thing and I did lose A LOT of weight, but I missed all the food I was cutting out and my roommate, the health conscience dietitian, was in constant disapproval of my diet, which she should be...it was CRAZY! BUT, I gained all that weight back and then some. I guess I finally decided enough was enough and I couldn't handle gaining one more ounce. So today, I may toot my horn just a little because I am proud of me and I am proud of my smaller bum.

Here I am after I lost about 16 lbs...I know the picture looks a little strange, but my arms kept getting in the way...

I know this is a picture of my bottom...but if you knew me before, you would be amazed at how much smaller I look from the back now!!!


Mary Ann said...

Way to go! You are doing great. Fifteen pounds IS a big deal! I'd like to see the after picture too. If you want to email me the picture, I can resize it in PS and email it back to you. Keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

Great work Amus! You and Maryann are alot better at the WW thing than i am, i never go all day without going over, and i get extra points for Breastfeeding! I wish i could lose 15 pounds, but maybe i would if i would quit cheating!! -Sarah

Anonymous said...

YEAH!!!! Good job! 15.5 pounds is A LOT for your size. We are still doing biggest loser, at work, until May. I have only lost 5.5 pounds :( but at least it is motivation! ~Jessica

Anonymous said...

Well, I just saw your skinny pictures now, WOW!!! It hasn't even been that long since I've seen you, and it's a big difference. I like that you are standing in front of the fridge!

Anonymous said...

hurry up and get to "C" !!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I agree with Sarah.

Anonymous said...

No way. You gots to be kiddin!