Q is for Quick
5:06 PM Posted In Alphabet Blog , family Edit This 0 Comments »2. I have had a pet turtle, Mr. Peepers, for at least five years.
3. I have always been looked at as the “wild child” of my family but it’s just because I tell all of my business. I think my sister or brother could have given me a run for my money but they are much more secretive about their meanderings.
4. I can flip my eyelids inside out.
5. My dream job would be working in a salon doing hair and nails aaaaall day long. I never even mentioned going to cosmetology school to my parents because I was afraid they would think I was crazy for not wanting to go college.
6. I loved every minute of undergrad and I am pretty sure I wouldn’t change anything I did if I had to do it over again.
7. Graduate school kinda sucked.
8. The only thing I ever wanted to do with my life, besides hair and nails, was to be a mom. Unfortunately there is not an undergraduate degree for Mommy-ship, so I went into teaching.
9. One reason why I wanted to get married was because I was surrounded with the strong marriages of my mom and dad, sister and Nathan, and brother and Jessica.
10. More than anything in the world I would love to be a mom. I am terrified of this because I don’t think there is any way possible I could be as good of a mom as my mother or my sister.
11. Even though I know it probably will eventually happen; I can’t imagine loving any child more than I love my nephews Sam and Joel.
12. I think the US should think more like Sweden on maternity leave--16 mos. paid leave per child. http://en.wikipedia.org/wi
13. I once sprained my ankle because I was excited about eating a sausage sandwich, and it was a very bad sprain.
14. I broke my nose in dance class after my girl Joanie asked me to skip it so we could hang out.
15. We have had all our baby names picked out since before Tyler and I were married. Who knows if we will ever use them. . .
16. I have never had a speeding ticket, or even been pulled over ::::knocks on wood::::
17. I never went camping or would have considered myself “outdoorsy” until I started hanging out with Tyler…Now I can’t imagine my life without camping, fishing, peeing in the woods, swimming in rivers, etc.
18. I think homeschooling could be either the best/worst-service/disserv
20. I have only passed out once in my life. It was while I was checking out at the gyno’s office…I told the clerk that I thought I was going to be sick. I passed out and hit my head on the wall. My gyno made me go get a CT scan to make sure I was ok. They still use the wicker trashcan I smashed when I landed. They also still joke about it when I come in.
21. I could live anywhere in the world with Tyler…as long as my parents and sister moved there too.
22. I have four tattoos. My most recent is on my back and has rhododendrons and says “Montani Semper Liberi”. Said tattoo is still unfinished. When Kevin (tattoo artist) finished the lettering, he said, “Hey, what is the ‘Montani Sepmer LIBRARY’ anyway?” I panicked for a hot sec, but then I realized he was just messin’ with me.
23. I think that going to “Lick Run Tavern” with Melissa was a defining moment in my life.
24. Tyler and I have lots of nicknames for eachother, but most of the time I call him Borg and he calls me Sasquatch.
25. I met my husband through facebook by clicking on five random people I didn’t know in my college's network, Tyler was the sixth. At the time, we had no mutual friends.
26. I have two "pretend" sisters-in-law, Sarah and Erin. They are pretend because we aren't really related but we act like we are. Sarah is my bil Nathan's little sister and Erin is my sil Jessica's little sister.
27. When I need sisterly advice without the tattling to my mom, I go to Sarah for everything. Mary Ann and I have a very hard time keeping secrets from each other and our mom...Sarah can keep a secret from both of them. . . MA and MOMMY, don't you dare push Sarah for info about my secrets!!! Haha...
28. When I was in 7th grade I was at a sleepover and a girl there was being mean to me, I called Sarah crying and she put the fear of God in that poor girl's heart.