O is for Old and Older

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Well, not really just Old, but Old Crow Medicine Show. And older is for me.

On January 13, 2009, I turned a quarter-century old. Bleh. It's not that I feel like that is old, but it is older and I really enjoyed 24. We celebrated our one-year anniversary, bought our first home, bought a new car and had many other mini-milestones thrown in here and there. I guess it's just an unavoidable part of life, but I did get a little bit older this year.

So, for my birthday, my brother called and asked if I would like to come up for a visit to see one of my favorite bands!!! Well, there is no better way to celebrate getting older than having a little fun with my family! I love my brother and sister-in-law so much and we hardly get to see them, so this was the perfect opportunity.

My college roommate Laura turned me onto OCMS, I turned my brother onto them, then I met hubs and turned him onto them, I am sure my brother turned my sil onto them too..so this has been a long time coming. This is what I looked like when I saw them over three years ago.

Not much has changed except that I have stopped wearing cut-up and tied together tee shirts; well, for the most part. We just happened to meet those two boys at the show and I still talk to Jason. . . guess there are some cosmic connections that will just go unbroken.
Anyway, we are very excited to see them and hopefully I will have a new pic to post!


Cate said...

Hey! I am turning 25 this year too! I can't believe it, it's making me feel old!

Where in WV are you? I am in Charleston.

Jessica said...

YAAAAYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!! I can't wait for Thursday!

Jenny said...

Your new background is so cute!

Happy late birthday! I'm turning 25 this year too- you summed up the emotion on that one very well- bleh.

I'll have to check that band out!

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