A is for At Work

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Well, since I am becoming a dedicated blogger...AND because I can already think of letters A-D; I am going to try yet another 26 days/26 letters type of postings. Now, I don't want you to get all excited and check in on me everyday, because fact of the matter is, I'm probably not going to be able to post every single day. But my loyal 2 or 3 readers out there will certainly understand.


A is for AT work....
yes, I am back at work. As a school teacher there are a few breaks that I look forward to throughout the year. However, I have an added bonus. I teach at a year-round school. For those of you not in the educational world, that means we go to school for nine weeks and then have a 3 week break in between nine week sessions. Yes, that means I work over the summer, gasp, but it really is NBD.

Anyhoo...I had the best break ever. I will probably post more about it later, ya know, as the letters in the alphabet come up...but needless to say, I wasn't ready for my break to be over. I love my students, most of the time, and they are, for the most part, good kids, but they are not my family. I had such a good time hanging out with my family over break. Especially my sister and her boys. She always looks forward to my breaks so we can run around together and I totally miss it! I also really miss the fact that her boys take naps in the afternoon. I am finding myself increasingly more jealous of my little nephews because I am seriously draaaaaaaaaagging right now! We hung out in the morning Christmas shopping and stuff, the boys fell asleep in the car on the way home, we carried them to their beds, then I would go to my own house and take a nap as well!

I am however happy to be back at work because I will start eating better again. I mostly pack a lunch at work but got pretty used to eating fast food everyday during break! Let's see...only 44 more school days until spring break . . .

I wonder if I could talk my principal into letting fifth graders take naps after lunch???


Anonymous said...

I am glad that you are back to posting again! I LOVE ur new page so much that i went in and changed mine!! I am a copycat!:) I changed my page but have not posted anything yet, i may try to do the ABC thing again also, but mine NEVER lasts! We will never me as good as the other woman in our lives! ;) Sarah