
12:25 AM Posted In , Edit This 2 Comments »
I suppose it would be easy for me to repeat the same resolutions I have had for years. I could be like eeeeeeeverybody else and say that I want to lose weight or work out more, but I will spare you the details. For some reason, recently I am less concerned with the number on the scale and more concerned about how my clothes fit or how I look in the mirror. 

Fact is, I do want to lose weight, I do want to work out more (Zumba!), I do want to be healthier; but I don't want to work at it. Quite the predicament, huh? Oh well, I suppose I will try harder this year, and since I recently took up 'salads', I can try to eat healthier. 

But what I really want, more than anything, is to get organized! I recently (December 31 to be exact) donated 5 bags of clothes to Goodwill and could probably donate about another 500. Husband and I have decided to get a bigger bed so we have cleaned and painted our current room, moved into another room in our house, but are only slowly working on getting a bigger bed. Today however, I decided that I want a new closet to go with my new bed. One of those cool metal wire organized closets. We will see, if I ever get around to purchasing one I will be sure to post before and afters. 

Maybe I will stick to at least one resolution this year. 

Crap, I better make one that will be easier to stick with...hmmmmm, I resolve to constantly think I have the best nephews in the world. 

Sweet. Now I can check off one resolution that I can unconditionally keep the whole year long!!!


Anonymous said...

Well, i am just upset that would donate all those clothes and not let me see any of them before hand! :) Well, good luck with the new year!! -Sarah

*Amy Leigh* said...

Hahaha...I bet the people at Goodwill needed them more than you!!! But I'll try to think of you next time!